Current Families
Current Family Resources
Google Drive Current Family Access Folder
(accessible only to families currently enrolled. If you have a child enrolled and have questions or problems accessing this information, email board@lcns.coop.)
Fall/Spring Enrollment (printable)
Emergency Scholarship Application
Authorization for Emergency Medical Care
Request for KBI DCF Registry Check
LCNS Bylaws
LCNS Standing Rules
LCNS Administrative Board Code of Ethics
Pay Tuition Online
Jovial Portal
Log on to the Jovial Family Portal and make an e-payment online.
LCNS prefers is you pay using ACH.
If you pay by credit card, be sure to select the 'Yes' option to pay the processing fees in addition to your tuition.
We recommend you set up auto-pay so your payments will always be on time!
Participation Sign Up
Participating parents/guardians are sent an email at the beginning of each semester containing a link to Sign-Up Genius, an online scheduling tool. Parents and guardians will be able to schedule their times to participate at the school, and to write a short comment ("bringing fruit"). The web-based program will send participators a reminder email two days before the scheduled date. Also, it is simple to swap dates with other participating parents.